Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Texting Etiquette for 2010

I've been thinking today, in regards to several major faux pas recently, that I would love to vent on a subject near and dear to my ... hands. All the time. Texting. As texting becomes more and more popular, there are certain rules of etiquette that must be followed.

1: Know your Audience: Simple enough. If you are texting a friend, family member, or acquaintance, it makes a huge difference to know one thing. "Do they text." Do they have an unlimited texting plan? Or are they charged per text? Although many many people text these days, some do not. And I remember receiving many texts before I texted, and that extra charge on my bill irked me. I am careful not to make the same mistake. When getting a number, ask a simple Question: "do you text?" this should be closely followed by "if I send you random text forwards that are really dumb - will it irritate you?"

2: Rule of 160: a typical text is 160 characters. If you are within the same network; you can often get longer texts. However; network to network doesn't work. If you are lucky, you'll get their first 160 characters; then another text message with the next. And so on. (Usually split within a word). If you Aren't: (like my phone to non [company I use]), they get ONLY the first 160 characters. In other words; missing a lot! So please, check what they get. If it's only the first 160- sent in spurts! If it's split up, put spaces at the 160 mark.

3: Watch the clock: if your friend has children, it's probably best not to text between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. If they don't, you can probably text until ten or so, but no later. If they work night shift, don't text while they are sleeping. If you don't know when they will be Sleeping: simple rule of Thumb: don't text between 9 and 7!! Many people use their phone for an alarm these Days: so their phone is on at night. They don't need to hear you texting at midnight when they'd rather be asleep.

4: Texting Pictures: this is much like the texting plan. Will it go over their data for the month if you send them pictures? If you have children; we LOVE to see pictures of our nephews, nieces, friends Kids: etc .... but only if it's really cute, and not all the time. (Like a few times a month). Don't send one more than once a week. Don't send your belly pictures. This is what facebook is for.
Don't get me Wrong: I adore seeing pictures, but not all the time. I look at them on facebook, smile, and comment. Along with This: if it's not a spouse, or a really good reason: don't send videos!!!! Many phones don't accept it, and honestly, I'd rather see it on facebook.

5: Don't text and drive - do I have to explain here? If it's really important and the person can't talk on the phone, pull over. Wait until you get to a red stoplight. I've seen the swerving .... don't text and drive. I want you to live.

6: Don't drink and text - if you are drinking; on medications that make you loopy, or anything like that, don't text. If you know you'll be out of it, password your phone. If you don't remember the password, you don't need to be texting. Your friends love you, but hearing about the purple frog on the ceiling is not a necessity- you'll never live it down.

7: CAPS IS BAD- it's like shouting. And it's harder to read. Please - one word on rare occasions is fine, but I don't want entire messages in caps, no matter how excited you are. It's rude; obnoxious, and gives me a headache.

8. Check your Recipient: this should be obvious - right? How many of you have received - (or sent) texts to the wrong person? Usually it's slightly funny - but if you don't get in the habit, you may send something embarassing to the wrong person. It could be about that person. Or my favorite - you could send something to somebody else that was meant for your spouse! (Does your mom really need to hear what you wanted to tell your spouse that you have planned?)

9: C U l8r Allig8r: I'm fairly certain that I'm not 12. Neither are you. Therefore: unless you are a teenager trying to be "cool" ... textspeak is nothing but bad grammar! I know that you know how to talk. Write it out. Use 2 messages if you Need: but typing "u" because you didn't want to type "you"? It isn't professional, isn't adult, and honestly, makes no sense.
(Disclaimer - I'm ok with occasional LOL - that's turned into something like "haha", but please ... no ROFL... or any of that stuff. LOL = I acknowledge whatever you said is funny. ":-)" is acceptable too.)

Logically I should have ten items, don't all good lists? But 10 is so cliche; so I'm leaving it with 9.
Do I need to go through these again?
9: Textspeak- don't.
8: Recipient - watch
7: CAPS - screaming
6: Drugged - don't text
5: Driving - watch the road
4: Pictures - within reason
3: Night - for sleep
2: Rule of 160 - careful
1: your audience - know them
So - I love you all! Have a great Day: and Remember: if you offend me with a text- I won't tell you. I'll just blog about it. :-)

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