This is where you start to wonder what in the world toilet paper has to do with anything halfway interesting ... if you have kids, you probably aren't wondering. :-)
So; ... lately we have had an influx of unrolled toilet paper in the bathroom. The logical culprit is the 2 year old female; ... that's' about the right age. But upon investigation, it appears there was never any unrolled paper when she was around. If anything, she likes it on the roll better.
The 3 year old? Nope. That implies he wants to use the potty, and he'll use it, but he's still pretending he can't figure out the roll.
The adults are out ... so that leaves the 5 year old. Yes, Jacob has been randomly terrorizing the house by unrolling toilet paper in the bathroom. Daily.
It turns out he has issues with toilet paper. If it's crooked, wrinkled (or torn wrong), he can't use it. So he unrolls it until he finds somewhere that he can find four perfect squares together. Because if it's not perfect, it can't be used for it's purpose.
It turns out that when somebody has OCD, it releases something in the brain that makes them seriously anxious. So for whatever reason, he "can't" use messed up TP ... and I have no idea what to do with it.
Mystery solved! However, now we have to figure out how to explain that it's ok to use MORE than 4 squares of toilet paper. You don't have to call an adult to help when your 4 squares are used! (I didn't teach him the four square rule!!! It's an even number that folds to an even number ... )
{sigh} ... how fun.
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