Sunday, March 7, 2010

Free Dr. Suess books!!!!

Hey all! I ran across this yesterday, downloaded it, and decided today it's worth sharing. The gap in time before sharing is the "make sure it's decent and worth doing" time. :-)

4 free Dr. Suess titles, E-books for the kids to read on your computer! These are for teachers, parents, homeschoolers, ... or anybody else who loves reading Dr. Suess to younguns! the books are Hop on Pop, Horton Hears a Who, Green Eggs & Ham, and The Cat in the Hat.

Here's how it works.

1. go to that site.
2. download Kidthing 2 (the player that plays the books.)
3. once downloaded, go to "store"
4. enter KTCODE-NEA5RAA into the search box, and hit enter.
5. these four books pop up.
6. put them in your cart, hit checkout. It's 4 free books!

Note: they do have a couple already in the player, but the two alphabet books are demo's, and only go a few pages, so you can delete those out of the player. But mathketball is pretty cool.
Also, don't download "Mr. President" ... its' a bunch of kids letters to the president, and will take FOREVER to download. Yes, it's free, but it's slow! :-)

Today we "read" these books. You can either have it read for you and you turn the pages, or it can do it automatically. ... or you can turn the sound off and read to the kids!

My kids loved it, especially Horton Hears a Who, which is actually animated a little bit, which makes it a little funnier. I am excited to use these to help my 5 year old in his endeavor to sound words out.

Anyway, awesome books, highly recommended.

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