Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Tragedy for the day ... Brandon fell off Jacob's bed.

Actually, it was yesterday, and Jacobs bed is the top bunk. (Hence why it was a tragedy). Normal children will fall off the top bed, get a nasty headache and possibly a mild concussion, but not my Brandon!

Instead, as he hit the ground, he bit his lip ... hard. The tooth went all the way through the lip! (Seriously, it looks like a cut on the outside, but you can see it goes clear through).

After we cleaned up the blood, and gave him some Tylenol, I joked with Ben that as long as he pierced it for us, we may as well stick a ring in it or something. Ben didn't think that was quite as funny as I did. :-). (No, I'd never really allow my kids to pierce lips, tongues, or anything else like that, especially at 3 years old.).

You should have seen the blood! It was pretty gross, but he's ok now, and seems to have forgotten all about it.

I was too busy soothing him to get a good picture, so you can use your imagination. Sharp incisor on the left hand side ... all the way through.

If we're lucky, it'll heal right back up. If we're not, it may have a tiny tiny scar. (But it wasn't bad enough to worry about stitches.)

Poor kid!

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