Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Evil DMV

So today I'm sitting in the drivers license office ... waiting. I was in line for about an hour ... to get a number. :-(

I'm serious! Now I have to wait until they call my name, if I don't get my book test done by 430 (as if), then I get to come back tomorrow.

So the great injustice of the system ... wait hours, then come back? There's a reason I brought the computer. It has nothing to do with having anything to DO ... and everything to do with the sanity factor.

Good news, I don't have kids with me. That would make this worse. I even sat in the back, because I am smart enough to know that if I sit next to a plug, I'll not go quite as insane.

So what do I do in my spare time? (Which this is, because it's definitely not useful time) ....

Check one-mail, catch up on my favorite blogs, be so grateful we lived in logan before, because until I remembered that, they were going to send me away, because I didn't have my marriage certificate!

What blogs and stuff do I read? I'm so glad you asked! (Or I'm really that bored).

Cake wrecks: pictures of cakes gone wrong. Great for a laugh, every-day of the week! (Cakewrecks.blogspot.com) Even if I only have a few minutes, this is on my "check" list.

Awkward family Pictures: awkwardfamilyphotos.com. Not always worth the time, but often interesting, just to see the funny bits in photos. I'm afraid my favorite will always be the bride touching the window as if looking into the Future: with the roof guys outside the window perfectly arranged so it looks as if she's touching another mans butt. I spit pop out my nose for that one!

Twitter: yes, I tweet. And I love it. Why? Cause it's fun! Geordi chats with Data, and there's a history thing going on about winter quarters. Honestly, it's interesting. It keeps me up the date with the news, and lots of moms from all over. (I'm there, @Laura_fahn, if you want to look me up)

Facebook: the best way to keep in touch with friends.

thinkgeek: because it's awesome! Where else can you find titanium sporks, Lego cameras, computer stuff, and just about anything to make a geek, or non-geek, drool?

Family Blogs: go to my "family blog" (paulsenmonkeys.blogspot.com), and on the left is a list of places I waste time ... yeah, it's all there.

Anyway, they haven't called my number, but I'm gonna run anyway ... and sit here ... for who knows how long ....


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