Sunday, January 31, 2010

Oops. Caught drug-free.

I was talking to my mother today, and she said I sounded a little down. She asked if I've had migraines lately ... yes.

So the next question, "you aren't on your meds, are you?" Oh crap. Hubby caught me talking to her about it ... yeah. So we went on a hunt to figure out where my meds disappeared to. we didn't end up finding them (yeah, I SO need a refill), but we found some of the old stuff that stopped working.

To settle things, I took one (he wouldn't leave until I took one), and promised to get a refill soon.

This is the downside of my husband and mother watching out for me. When I'm on my meds like a good girl, I asked them to help me, because they know me and my moods.

But when I'm caught, I personally think I'm doing fine! But the two gang up on me. If I refuse to go in when I need a new med or something, they tell me. And will make an appointment, find a babysitter, and make darn sure I go in!

So now I've been caught taken one med, (fluoxitine, 40 mg, which is about a year old, that was two medications ago. It stopped working, like everything else). But I took something, because it made it appear I care ... which I don't. Because I'm freakin fine! Or maybe not.

When I'm not grouchy, I'll agree that they know me, and probably know better than I do when I need help.

Anyway. Yeah, bad mood today. I'll be fine. I'm actually on citalopram, also 40 milligrams (20 didn't work), but it's better than nothing. (Although I went off it because I swear it wasn't working anyway!).

So, here's to a new start, and I'm to the last refill of this prescription, so soon enough, a new medication!

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